Moderation ARCH+ features 85: Datatopia Mittwoch, 27. März, 19 Uhr, Meiré und Meiré Cologne Factory, Lichtstraße 26–28, 50825 Köln
1st prize with NL Architects in the competition »Wohnen für Alle« Slideshow of Project
Kick-Off der Diskursreihe Planet Ebertplatz
Pecha Kucha Vortrag zum 25-jährigen Jubiläum des AKJAA. Symposium und Party | STUDYO-25Jahre-AKJAA
Textbeitrag in der Publikation »Zollverein Park. Staub, Stille und Spektakel« Ein ganz persönlicher Guide für Zollverein studio polylog | Planergruppe Oberhauen | Observatorium
A Kaleidoscope of Scandinavian Architecture Coordination / Curating Exhibition, AIT-ArchitekturSalon Nordic Design has largely been endorsed by many classics particularly in the 1950ies and 1960ies within the world of architecture and products. How do new talents evaluate the influence of a tradition which by now is a landmark? And how do they define their own…
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Vortrag beim ersten »UrbanSlam« der Architektenkammer NRW im Ludwig Forum in Aachen … Applaus für mutige Visionen und Ideen
»Aus Allen Richtungen« wandert weiter nach Aachen Vortrag zur Eröffnung in Aachen Stadt und Haus, Regional und Global, Freiheit und Ordnung, Alt und Neu, Konvention und Haltung, Grün und Schwarz? In einem kontinuierlichen Diskurs dienen diese Begriffspaare als Gesprächsgrundlage für den AKJAA – Arbeitskreis Junge Architektinnen und Architekten. Der Arbeitskreis ist ein Netzwerk der jungen…
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… zu Gast im AIT-ArchitekturSalon in Köln und Hamburg Vortrag zur Eröffnung in Hamburg am 24. Oktober 2014
…the radio show “Mosaik” WDR 3 on Tuesday, January 28th at 08-09 am. Christopher Ledwig and Ayşin Ipekçi will be in a live interview about the wayfinding system for Zollverein Parc in Essen [Image courtesy of f1rstdesign]
BDA Montagsgespräch! … please come: young architects invited to give their statement at
…please read: a contribution to the current debate on architects’ work conditions on bkult
Gespräch zu dem Thema Urbanes Handeln in der Schaustelle Pinakothek der Moderne, München – Beitrag Stadt|Kultur|Protest|RAUM
Aus allen Richtungen. Positionen junger Architekten im BDA 1.6. – 25.6.2013 Ausstellung im DAZ, Berlin
Vortrag: Das Magazin PLOT lädt gemeinsam mit dem Hersteller MBA zu einer Veranstaltung zum Thema Ausstellungsarchitektur und -gestaltung in der Phoenixhalle in Stuttgart. stadtgefluester_PLOT
ARCHITEKTURTEILCHEN – an exhibition curated by Ayşin Ipekçi Exhibition designed by STUDYO in collaboration with responsive design studio Communication Design by großgestalten The Museum für Angewandte Kunst Köln (MAKK) introduces a Year of Architecture for 2012. With a variety of exhibitions and special events for this theme, Architekturteilchen – Architectural Particle is the core performance focusing on the main…
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A full-page interview by Vera Pache published in the daily newspaper DIE WELT on Feb 11, 2012
Istanbul based architecture office SUPERPOOL invites STUDYO* to lecture within the scope of Karaköy Talks on January 4th, 2012 at 19.00 h in Istanbul.
STUDYO’s Israel Project in ATLAS – Architecture of the 21st Century / Africa and Middle East published at Fundación BBVA
1 SORUDA 10 MIMAR – 10 ARCHITECTS RESPONDING 1QUESTION Aysin Ipekci is selected as one out of ten architects to answer a question in consideration of urban qualitiy flashbacking 2011 and foreseeing 2012 in Turkish magazine KONSEPT PROJELER.
STUDYO in [YOUNG HOUSE] magazin recently published by Reinhart Wustlich with… …West Arch – A New Generation in Architecture an exhibition in Ludwig Forum für Internationale Kunst in Aachen where STUDYO as one of 25 architecture offices participated in 2010 …about the New Campus Project for…
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Neue Architekturen im Dialog – Dialogue on New Architecture is the title of the 16th VitrA Workshop moderated by Carl Steckeweh in the showroom of VitrA Bad in Cologne on September 20, 2011 at 19.30 h where Justus Pysall and Ayşin Ipekçi will be lecturing about “Modern Space Concepts”…
…in Baden Baden at SWR2 Dschungel moderated by Patrick Batarilo on April 7th, 2011, 19.20 – 20.00 h.
…Neue Deutsche Architekturtendenzen is a seminar for students hosted by the Architecture Department at Bochum University of Applied Sciences analyzing selected German architecture offices and their work – among them STUDYO. The results will be displayed in an exhibition in the fall 2011.
STUDYO has been nominated as finalist for Deubau Award in 2012. All finalists will give a presentation to an international jury on April 7th, 2011
STUDYO selected to participate as one of 25 architecture offices to be exhibited in West Arch – A New Generation in Architecture curated by modulorbeat in Ludwig Forum für Internationale Kunst in Aachen. The opening event will be on Saturday, September 11, 2010 at 20.00…
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A full-page interview by Andreas Rossmann published in the daily newspaper FAZ / Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung on Sep 11, 2010
Lecture about the New Campus Project for Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design together with Dr. Yaarah Bar-On at the hdak – haus der Architektur Köln on Wednesday, April 21, 2010 at 19.00 h.
STUDYO invited to lecture at SPACESHIP in Tel-Aviv, Israel – a platform for with and about art and architecture hosted by Kerem Halbrecht. The lecture will be held on September 15, 2009 at 20.00 h.
…at the WDR5 Scala “debut” of upcoming artists moderator Jörg Biesler in dialogue with Ayşin Ipekçi on May 4th, 2009, 12.45-12.52h
In July 2008, Ayşin Ipekçi has been notified about winning this year’s “NRW-Förderpreis 2008” of Nordrhein-Westfalen in Germany in the field of architecture. The award is annually given to most rising talents in various creative disciplines such as music, art, theater, architecture, etc. The Award Ceremony will be held on October, 30th, 2008
AWARD – 40 under 40 In March 2008 Ayşin Ipekçi has been selected among a group of 40 architects and designers under the age of 40. Excerpt from Europe 40 under 40 press release: The European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies and The Chicago Athenaeum is pleased to announce the selection of…
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